095 21184
Clifden Community School
Careers guidance
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Career Guidance

Career Guidance is timetabled weekly for all senior cycle including transition year students. During their time in the school the students will meet in groups and individually with the Guidance Counsellor to look at options, opportunities, educational routes as part of their overall career planning.

The following are recommended career websites and useful resources for school leavers and their parents/guardians. These provide relevant, up-to-date information to assist students when they're making career decisions.

Careers Portal This site brings together a wide range of career related information to ensure that students have all the information they need to make informed choices about their education, training and career paths. Sign up to create your unique career file and receive their e-newsletter.


Qualifax provides comprehensive information on further and higher education and training courses in Ireland. Create your own user account.

Check the Calendar of Career Eventsweekly for any open days or career events that you may be interested in attending.

Careers News This site carries the latest news items that relate to the area of career selection and an extensive library of material available for use by Guidance Counsellors or Students. Sign up for their e-newsletter.

Options after School provides useful information on student’s options after secondary school.

Apprenticeships provides information on apprenticeship applications in Ireland.

PLC Course Finder provides information on Post Leaving Cert Course applications in Ireland. Checkout PLC entry requirements for some CAO courses.

CAO provides information on third level course applications in Ireland.

Parent's Guide provides useful information for parents/guardians and checkout this useful guide on the steps involved in making a course choice.

Subject Choice provides information on junior certificate and leaving certificate subject choice.

Please Click Here for more information on Leaving Certificate Subject Choice: Institute of Guidance Councellors

Minimum Subject Requirements provides information on third level CAO minimum subject entry requirements (set by the Higher Education Institutes or HEIs) and specific course subject requirements (set by faculties/colleges within HEIs).

Student Financeprovides information on student funding options for third level courses including SUSI Grants, Bursaries & Scholarships.

Access to Collegeprovides information on student application options for third level courses including the Higher Education Access Route (HEAR) and the Disability Access Route to Education (DARE).

The Institute for Guidance Counsellors (IGC) has released the following useful guides for students and parents/guardians:-

Transition to Secondary School guide for incoming first year students

How to learn guide on study techniques

Taking the Next Stepguide on further & higher education

Optimising Choices guide on choosing a career

LC Student's guide on how to accept their CAO offers

UCAS provides information on third level course applications in the United Kingdom.

EUNiCASprovides information on third level course applications in some EU countries.

susi : SUSI


SUSI Grant Process : SUSI

Contact SUSI : SUSI

SUSI - How to Apply for a Student Grant on Vimeo- video lin

CLICK HERE to download our Higher Education Access Route (HEAR) Presentation 2018


Subject Choices at Senior Cycle Information Evening took place on Jan 17th at 6.30pm. Please Click Here for PowerPoint Presentation


Clifden Community School
Co Galway
H71 W673

095 21184

© 2025 Clifden Community School