095 21184
Clifden Community School
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Leaving Certificate Vocational Programme (LCVP)


The Leaving Certificate Vocational Programme (LCVP) is an intervention designed to enhance the vocational dimension of the Leaving Certificate (established). The programme was introduced in 1994 in response to the challenge placed on Ireland’s education system by a changing work and business environment. The LCVP combines the academic strengths of the Leaving Certificate (established) with a new and dynamic focus on self-directed learning, innovation and enterprise. This two-year programme is part of an expanded provision that aims to cater for the diversity of participants’ needs at senior cycle.

The primary goal of the LCVP is to prepare young people for adult life by ensuring that they are educated in the broadest sense, with an ability to cope and thrive in an environment of rapid change. Participants in the programme are encouraged to develop skills and competencies fundamental to both academic and vocational success.

Throughout the programme students are encouraged to:

  • Be innovative and enterprising
  • Take responsibility for their own learning
  • Adapt to changing circumstances
  • Evaluate data and devise solutions to problems
  • Communicate their thoughts and ideas effectively
  • Work with others as part of a team
  • Investigate and plan career options
  • Use information and communications technologies
  • Investigate local businesses and community enterprises
  • Learn from their experiences

These skills and qualities are equally relevant to the needs of those preparing for further education, seeking employment or planning to start their own business.

The strong vocational focus of the LCVP is achieved by arranging Leaving Certificate subjects into Vocational Subject Groupings (VSGs) and through the provision of additional courses of study in work preparation and enterprise known as the Link Modules.

In relation to assessment, 60% of the final mark awarded goes to the preparation of 6 Portfolio items and 40% of the final mark is for the two and a half hour written exam which takes place in May.


LCVP students receive the same certificate as other Leaving Certificate students but their Certificate includes an additional statement of the results of the Link Modules.

A Pass Grade in LCVP requires a mark of between 50% – 64% and is worth 30 points

A Merit Grade in LCVP requires a mark of between 65% – 79% and is worth 50 points

A Distinction Grade in LCVP requires a mark of between 80% – 100% and is worth 70 points

For more information see


Clifden Community School
Co Galway
H71 W673

095 21184

© 2025 Clifden Community School